The AIF Project

About the AIF Project


The AIF Project has been assisted over more than twenty years by various helpers without whose efforts the database would not have achieved its current level of detail. They include Sue and John Wadey, Lynn Trainor, Vicki Urquhart, Bob Digan, Bernadette McDermott, Nancy Taylor, Elizabeth Fisher, Mark Edmonds, Jeff Doyle, Keith Jeffery, Laura Dennis, Craig Stockings, Anthony Cheung, and Andrew Dennis.

I am indebted to the support of the Australian Army History Unit, especially its Head, Dr Roger Lee, and his assistant Dr Andrew Richardson. Both of them have given invaluable assistance, and Dr Richardson has been a tireless companion on our extended cemetery trips through Victoria and South Australia.

Most of all I am indebted to my programmer, Kent Fitch, for his expertise and even more, perhaps, for his patience. Over many years ours has been a most harmonious and educative collaboration.

The photographs are from various collections held by parts of the Army History Unit Museums network. Permission to use the photographs on this website has been kindly granted by the Head of the Army History Unit.

Peter Dennis

Special Lists


Caution, Disclaimer & Copyright

Alias/true names

Frequently Asked Questions

Lone Pine Memorial

Menin Gate Memorial

Fromelles (Pheasant Wood)
Military Cemetery, France

Australian National Memorial,


Enlistment details

© The AIF Project 2024, UNSW Canberra. Not to be reproduced without permission.