Regimental number335
Place of birthHamilton, South Australia
ReligionChurch of England
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation21.9
Height5' 10"
Weight168 lbs
Next of kinMother, Mrs Alice Shephard, Halidon, South Australia
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date22 October 1914
Place of enlistmentMorphettville, South Australia
Rank on enlistmentPrivate
Unit name9th Light Horse Regiment, B Squadron
AWM Embarkation Roll number10/14/1
Embarkation detailsUnit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board Transport A10 Karroo on 11 February 1915
Regimental number from Nominal Roll2672
Rank from Nominal RollBombardier
Unit from Nominal Roll2nd Field Artillery Brigade
FateReturned to Australia 16 March 1918
Discharge date16 May 1918
Family/military connectionsBrothers: 3140 Pte Leslie SHEPHARD, Signal Squadron, Australian Mounted Division, returned to Australia, 1 November 1918; 2780 Pte Tom SHEPHARD MM, 32nd Bn, returned to Australia, 10 June 1919.
Other details

War service: Egypt, Gallipoli, Western Front

Wounded in action, Belgium, 31 July 1917 (gun shot wound, right knee: leg amputated).

Commenced return to Australia on board HT 'Wiltshire', 16 March 1918; discharged (medically unfit not due to misconduct), Adelaide, 16 May 1918.

Medals: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
SourcesNAA: B2455, SHEPHARD Charles