The AIF Project

Gregory Dowling O'NEIL

Regimental number2859
Place of birthMelbourne, Victoria
ReligionRoman Catholic
Marital statusSingle
Age at embarkation24
Height5' 5.5"
Weight125 lbs
Next of kinFather, George Dowling O'Neil, 105 Ocean Road, Cottesloe Beach, Western Australia
Previous military serviceNil
Enlistment date1 April 1916
Place of enlistmentPerth, Western Australia
Rank from Nominal RollSergeant
Unit from Nominal Roll48th Battalion
FateKilled in Action 20 September 1918
Other detailsMedals: British War Medal, Victory Medal
Miscellaneous detailsName does not appear on Embarkation Roll.
Date of death20 September 1918
SourcesNAA: B2455, O'NEIL Gregory Dowling

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