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29th Battalion, 5th Reinforcement

AWM Roll number: 23/46/2

  1. From Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A68 Anchises on 14 March 1916

2567ABBOTT, Edgar Henry
2572ANDERSON, William Albert
2569ANGUS, Donald
ANSELL, Herbert Abraham
2568ARLOW, John Leslie Gordon
2570ARMSTEAD, Arthur Stanley
2597BANFIELD, Allan Edgar
2583BARLING, Hughie Stanley
2581BARRETT, Edward Frank Joseph
2798BARTON, Ralph
2576BATTY, Alexander Henry
2807BELL, John Hamilton
2592BELL, Wallace Henry
2589BERWICK, Thomas Charles
2595BIRCH, William
2810BOND, Wyatt Aubrey Stanford
2590BONE, Edwin Archie
2588BOYD, George Edward
2587BRADFORD, William
2586BRADLEY, Joseph John
2811BRODERICK, Joseph Graham
2582BROMILOW, Sidney Clive
2813BROMLEY, Roy Phillip
2594BROWN, James
2577BROWN, Robert Thompson
2584Burrell, Alfred GeorgeGolf Hill, Shelford, Victoria
BURRELL, John Henry
2585BURRELL, John Henry
2578BUTLING, Donald Gordon
2607CAFFERY, Joseph
2598CAMPBELL, Thomas Arthur
2602CARLSON, Isaac
2609CARROLL, Reginald
2604CARSON, James
2605CHANCELLOR, Reginald Ellis
2612CHANDLER, Alfred
2608CLARK, Henry George
2603COUSIN, David Russell
2611COX, Harry
2625DAVIS, George Henry
2618DEDMAN, James Plumridge
2621DEERY, Edward Patrick
2623DENMAN, John
2796DENNEHY, Gerald Joseph
2613DEUHURST, Charles
2617DEVLIN, Francis
2616DEVLIN, George Fraser
2614DICKMAN, William Adam
2629DOHERTY, Michael
2624DORRAT, Horace Alexander
2818DOYLE, Martin
2619DUNNE, John Joseph
2805EDWARDS, Harold Claude
2628ELLIS, Thomas
2631FAGAN, John
2639FARRELL, William John
2638FARROW, Oswin Denton
2641FERGUSON, William George
2640FISHER, William Roy
2636FLANAGAN, James Francis
2633FLEET, William John
2630FOGGO, Matthew Wilson
2632FOSTER, John
2634FOX, Joseph Thomas
2637FRANCE, John
2642GALLAND, Leslie Burfield
2644GIBBONS, George Richard
2646GILBERT, Roy Clarence
2649GLEESON, Thomas James
2648GLEW, Harold
2647GRAHAM, Richard Boyd
2645GRAY, Edgar Oliver
2797GREENWAY, Herbert Thomas
2643GRIFFIN, Thomas Ernest Charles
2650GRONHEIT, William John
2660HAGGIS, John Thomas
2656HARDING, Oliver Albert
2659HARTLEY, John Norman
2655HEAL, Arthur Harrison
2795HEDE, Patrick Leo
2817HENRY, Arthur George
2654HENRY, Joseph
2794HETHERTON, Bernard Robert
2658HILL, Robert James
2664HIPWORTH, Benjamin Chas
2665HIRST, Leslie
2661HOOD, Edward Duncan
2663HOOD, Percival Frederick
2653HORMAN, Alfred
2662HUME, Stanley Joseph
2668JAMES, Robert
2675JENKIN, Richard Leslie
2672JONES, Clive Lloyd Thomas
2674JONES, Charles William
2670JOSE, George
2673JOSE, Stanley
2671JOYCE, Edward
2677KENNEDY, Leslie Frederick
2676KLUG, Lewis Conrad
2679KNELL, Francis Michael
2680KNIGHT, Harold Watts
2678KROGER, Henry Herman
2683LADLOW, Charles Henry
2682LADLOW, Walter
2815LAMOND, Ronald MacInnes
2799LAWRENCE, John
2685LENNOX, Alexander
2684LENNOX, Harold Marshall
2689LEWIS, Ernest William
2690LIDDLE, James
2687LORD, Charles
2686LOWMAN, John Alfred
2692LYNCH, Joseph Henry
2816MACKAY, Norman David
2718MADDERN, Percival Charles
2698MARSHALL, Henry John Young
2714MARSHALL, William Stewart
2715MARTINSEN, Lewis
2717MASSIE, George Sangster
2814MATHEW, Andrew James
2701MATTHEWS, Albert William Keith
2702MATTHEWS, Clarence Percy
2712MATTHEWS, Thomas Hamilton
2793MAXWELL, Albert Gordon
2707McCARTHY, John Francis
2705McDONALD, Hugh
2704McDONALD, William
2808McDOUGALL, Charles Noble
2708McKEAN, John Martin
2710McKENZIE, Andrew
2700McLOUGHLIN, John
2711McLOUGHLIN, James Leo
2809McPHERSON, Colin Hector
2719McVICARS, John
2716MILLS, James
2709MINNETT, Samuel
2713MUNRO, John Anderson
2695MURRELL, Harold Henry
2724NIBLETT, Thomas Alfred
2723NICHOLAS, Ernest
2725NICOLSON, John Alexander
2722NIEHOFF, Theodore Carl
2726O'GORMAN, Thomas
2727OTTREY, Herbert Walter John
2733PARKER, Henry Jonathan
2729PATTERSON, Frederick Gordon
2737PERCIVAL, James Thomas Arthur
2734PHILLIPS, John Nicholls
2735PHILLIPS, Robert
2738POLLEY, Henry Edward Ernest
2730POWELL, Elmo John
2736POWER, Charles
2731PRETTY, Arthur Ernest
2732PRETTY, Horace Stanley
2751RAMSDALE, James
2746RANKIN, Cornelius Lowe Hobbs
2747RENWOOD, John James
2739ROBERTS, Edwin Lloyd
2812ROBERTS, Percival Henry
2745ROBERTSON, Wilfred Vivian
2742RODGER, John William
2743ROSS, John Charles
2741ROSS, John William
2740ROSS, Robert Alexander
2764SANDELL, Emil Ferdinand
2763SAW, George
2775SHELLY, Patrick
2759SCHIMLICK, William
2753SIMKIN, Stanley George
2804SMITH, Reginald John
2792SNOWDEN, William Thomas
2757STEPHENSON, Thomas Arthur
2758STIMPSON, Charles Joseph
2762STOKES, John Valentine
2777STONE, John Thomas
2801STORER, Samuel
2756STUBLEY, Alfred Bernard
2760SWANTON, Henry
2755SWEETTON, Eric Hector
SWINBOURNE, Harry Laffler
2766TAYLOR, Cyril
2771THOMPSON, Richard
2770THOMSON, John Phillip Samuel
2769TOLL, Richard Randall
2773TOOKEY, Alfred
2768TORRENS, William Broadford
2772TOWER, William
2774TRAVERS, Francis James John
2767TREWELLA, William
VEAL, Harold John Edward
2779VIENNA, William George
2788WALL, Harold Victor
2781WALLACE, Benjamin
2783WARD, John Robert
2786WARD, Victor James
2791WATT, William James
2803WEEKS, Horace Leslie
2785WILSON, George
2787WILSON, William
2789WINKLER, Leslie Ernest
2782WOODS, William Potter
2790WRIGHT, Alexander
2806YOUNG, William Bernard

© The AIF Project 2024, UNSW Canberra. Not to be reproduced without permission.