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45th Battalion, 10th Reinforcement

AWM Roll number: 23/62/4

  1. From Sydney, New South Wales on board HMAT A74 Marathon on 10 May 1917

3594ACLAND, Robert ElsomPetersham, New South Wales
3592ADAMS, John CharlesTamworth, New South Wales
3595ANDERSON, Henry TownsendCowra, New South Wales
3598ARMAN, JohnHaymarket PO, Haymarket, New South Wales
3597ASTRIDGE, AlfredLidcombe, New South Wales
3612BACKHOUSE, GustavusNowra, New South Wales
3613BARNES, WalterPyrmont, New South Wales
3601BATES, John WilliamCrow's Nest, New South Wales
3599BELL, John136 Duke Street, Sydney, New South Wales
3600BELLAMY, William ThomasLochinbar via West Maitland, New South Wales
3611BISHOP, George AndersonCanterbury, New South Wales
3602BLACKBURN, HenryAlexandria, New South Wales
3753BLAKE, Clarence RayGoulburn, New South Wales
3615BLAND, Francis NorwoodPetersham, New South Wales
3606BOUNDFORD, ReginaldNewcastle, New South Wales
3605BROOKS, James WilliamDarlinghurst, New South Wales
3607BRUCE, RobertAuburn, New South Wales
3608BURGESS, ErnestWagga Wagga, New South Wales
3610BUSH, John WilliamIluka, New South Wales
3614BUTTLE, WilliamArncliffe, New South Wales
3741CALDER, DuncanNarromine, New South Wales
3622CALLAWAY, EdgarSydney, New South Wales
3624CARTER, HarryRedfern, New South Wales
3623CARTWRIGHT, Arthur GeorgeLeichhardt, New South Wales
3621CASSIN, JosephNewtown, New South Wales
3618CHAPMAN, BertrandBlacktown, New South Wales
3619CHESTER, Harold HerbertPetersham, New South Wales
CLAYTON, ArthurDarlinghurst, New South Wales
3625CLOSE, Reginald AlfredMarrickville, New South Wales
3763CONNERY, Richard PeterFairfield, New South Wales
3617COOK, Roy EdwinBungonia, New South Wales
3616CRUICKSHANK, DavidRedfern, Sydney, New South Wales
3620CUNNINGHAM, ThomasMosman, New South Wales
3628DARGIN, John HughMoore Park, New South Wales
3627DAVIES, George HenryPaddington, New South Wales
3631DEARSLEY, EdwardSurry Hills, New South Wales
3629DONEGAN, ThomasDarlinghurst, New South Wales
3632DUBERLY, Frank PritchardWoollahra, New South Wales
3630DURHAM, Percy AdolphusBondi, New South Wales
3633EDWARDS, John LefevreMosman, New South Wales
3634EVANS, Andrew John TimothyNorfolk Island
3749EVANS, RichardHelensburg, New South Wales
3635FEJINO, GeorgeDarlinghurst, New South Wales
3639FLEETING, Harold WilliamHurlstone Park, New South Wales
3640FLETCHER, SamuelMilson's Point, New South Wales
3636FORBES, Charles BadenAnnandale, New South Wales
3637FRANCES, William LindsaySingleton, New South Wales
3638FRANKLIN, Herbert JohnManly, New South Wales
3754GERAGHTY, Charles EdwardNimmitabel, New South Wales
3641GILES, Charles PedlarSydney, New South Wales
3765GUNNING, Sydney CharlesCroydon, New South Wales
3642HARRIS, FrankEast Sydney, New South Wales
3645HINES, WilliamLismore, New South Wales
3650HODGE, SidneyGlen Innes, New South Wales
3643HOLLANDS, Joseph MichaelNowra, New South Wales
3647HOLMES, Mervyn GodfreyPaddington, New South Wales
3644HOPKINS, NevilleWaverley, New South Wales
3648HUNT, Francis JosephHelensburg, New South Wales
3649HUDSON, ArthurTrunkey Creek via Newbridge, New South Wales
3651JACKSON, James JosephGuildford, New South Wales
3756JARRETT, JackDorrigo, New South Wales
3652JOHNS, William ThomasOaklands, New South Wales
3654JOHNSTON, Henry JamesHomebush, New South Wales
3740JOHNSTONE, ThomasSydney, New South Wales
3653JONES, John SeptimusPaddington, New South Wales
3655KAHL, George AlfredNewcastle, New South Wales
3750KELLS, Leonard EllisCarlinford, New South Wales
3764KELLY, Thomas JamesSurry Hills, New South Wales
3656KELLY, Walter NolanDarlington Pt via Narrandera, New South Wales
3659LARKIN, JohnPaddington, New South Wales
3661LEAHEY, AlfredRedfern, New South Wales
3662LINDQUIST, Thomas JamesPyrmont, New South Wales
3665LINTHORNE, CecilDulwich Hill, New South Wales
3667LINTHORNE, Garnet LeslieDulwich Hill, New South Wales
3664LITTLEWOOD, John AlexandriaSydney, New South Wales
3663LOGAN, William MongoWeston, New South Wales
3760MACKENZIE, Jemaskie FrancisKurri Kurri, New South Wales
3686MACKENZIE, Nicholas ArthurKurri, Kurri, New South Wales
3671MASON, Arthur HerbertDawes Pt, New South Wales
3677MASTERTON, Victor WilliamEpping, New South Wales
3679McCOLLIN, William Henry
3683McCRORY, William HerbertMosman, New South Wales
3684McDONALD, WilliamRedfern, New South Wales
3680McDOWELL, Henry AlbertCampsie, New South Wales
McKAY, William Albert
3678McKENZIE, John GordonWest Kogorah, New South Wales
3674MILES, Ernest GeorgeWagga, New South Wales
3669MILLIGAN, JamesLilyvale, New South Wales
3673MILTON, GeorgeSydney, New South Wales
3675MORAN, James JosephEast Sydney, New South Wales
3672MORRISSEY, CharlesSydney, New South Wales
3751MURRAY, Frederick ThomasPaddington, New South Wales
3670MUSGRAVE, BasilBathurst, New South Wales
3689NAPIER, Samuel JamesChippendale, New South Wales
3688NEILSON, Roy AlbertWaterloo, New South Wales
3687NELSON, Sydney GeorgeArncliffe, New South Wales
3691NEWSUM, WilliamSurry Hills, New South Wales
3690NICHOLLS, LeslieRedfern, New South Wales
3692O'CONNELL, DenisGunning, New South Wales
3693O'CONNOR, Alfred LlewellynSydney, New South Wales
3695PARKER, JohnSydney, New South Wales
3694PARKER, Jack EttlesSydney, New South Wales
3698PARSONS, SamuelFive Dock, New South Wales
3697PEARSON, Ernest EdwardRedfern, New South Wales
3699PERROTT, CharlesSydney, New South Wales
3700PICKERING, Allen HarrisBinnaway, New South Wales
3752POOLEY, Reginald GeorgeHaymarket, New South Wales
3696PURSER, John AlbertDarlington, New South Wales
3706RALPH, WilliamLithgow, New South Wales
3701READ, James RupertNorth Sydney, New South Wales
3709RICHARDS, Alfred RaymondCremorne, New South Wales
3758ROBERTS, AlfMoree, New South Wales
3705ROBERTSON, Stanley StruanMarrickville, New South Wales
3702ROSS, William JohnCampsie, New South Wales
3757RYAN, ThomasSydney, New South Wales
3707RYDER, WalterCarlton, New South Wales
3716SALMON, Edward WilliamPaddington, New South Wales
3713SEAGROTT, Reginald AbsalomDelungra, New South Wales
3715SMITH, Charles Cuthbert JamesCurlewis, New South Wales
3759SMITH, HerbertDubbo, New South Wales
3714SMITH, Nathaniel HenryKurri Kurri, New South Wales
3712SOPER, James SnowdonSydney, New South Wales
3711SORENSEN, Jans Frederick CharlesSydney, New South Wales
3720SOUTH, Cecil BarringtonSt Peters, New South Wales
3721STEVENS, William WalterGranville, New South Wales
3719STEWART, Charles JamesMiller's Point, New South Wales
3718STEWART, Douglas JamesHolbrook, New South Wales
3717SUTCLIFFE, JohnSydney, New South Wales
3730TAYLOR, Eric AndrewLiverpool, New South Wales
3729THOMAS, EdwardBalmain, New South Wales
3724THOMPSON, ThomasUltimo, New South Wales
3732THOMPSON, WalterSydney, New South Wales
3722THORN, Alfred CharlesLiverpool, New South Wales
3728TOOMEY, Richard MortonDudley, New South Wales
3723TOWNROW, Charles JamesAnnandale, New South Wales
3731TREMAIN, John EdwardNewtown, New South Wales
3725TRILL, George RichardSurry Hills, New South Wales
3761TUCKER, John EdwardCoolah, New South Wales
3727TURNBULL, MatthewBarmedman, New South Wales
3733VANDYCK, HollyCrow's Nest, New South Wales
3762VAUX, William RobertCamperdown, New South Wales
3735WALKER, James BowenDenman, New South Wales
3744WALKER, Leslie GeorgeDubbo, New South Wales
3736WALLACE, JosephNewcastle, New South Wales
3737WALLACE, Robert GordonRedfern, New South Wales
3739WAUGH, AmbroseNewcastle, New South Wales
3748WELLS, Victor AlbertBellambi, New South Wales
3745WHITE, Robert JohnSydney, New South Wales
3747WILLIAMSON, William JamesEast Sydney, New South Wales
3743WILLS, WilliamParramatta, New South Wales
3434WILSON, JosephYoung, New South Wales
3746WYMER, Gordon OwenHurlstone Park, New South Wales

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