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9th Battalion, F Company

AWM Roll number: 23/26/1

  1. From Brisbane, Queensland on board Transport A5 Omrah on 24 September 1914

720ANDERSON, Harry CecilWalker Street, Casino, Queensland
753ARTHUR, William Sydney Charles109 Princess Street, Brisbane, Queensland
705ASHWORTH, Leigh EdricAustralian Hotel, South Grafton, New South Wales
692BAKER, Douglas RaymondMount Pleasant Road, Gympie, Queensland
736BARNWELL, Stephen JamesMrs
657BARTLETT, George Anderson
649BELL, AlfredTowers Road, Townsville, Queensland
664BENTLEY, John Thomasc/o Mrs M Bentley, Richmond River, Casino, New South Wales
660BLACKBURN, James MurrayBurnside Farm Macnade, Herbert River, Queensland
697BROOK, RonaldExperimental Farm, Grafton, New South Wales
696BROWN, David JamesCommonwealth Hotel, Casino, New South Wales
642BUCHANAN, HenryGeordie Hill, Gympie, Queensland
652BYRNES, Peter Vincentc/o Jas Byrnes, Blacksmith And Coachbuilder, Quirindi, New South Wales
733CAMMACK, WilliamOakey, Queensland
644CHALMERS, WilliamNewrybar, New South Wales
679CHAMPION, Thomas George RoyTurf Street, Grafton, New South Wales
686CLIFTON, Ferdinand WilliamEumundi, North Coast Line, Queensland
684COONEY, JohnUnion Boarding House, Townsville, Queensland
746DAVENPORT, James HenryBoree Siding, H And C Line via Townsville, Queensland
738DELLER, Frederickc/o Mrs Stevenson, Byron Bay Point, New South Wales
690DEVINE, Patrick StephenCleveland Street, Townsville, Queensland
640DEWAR, EwanNorth Eton, Mackay, Queensland
706DRYSDALE, WilliamBeaudesert, Queensland
651EDWARDS, Haroldc/o Mrs Brown, Terraine Street, Lismore, New South Wales
650ELLIOTT, Albert ClarenceWalker Street, Casino, New South Wales
710ELMORE, Albert PhillipPO, Lismore, New South Wales
700FINLAYSON, ThomasCearlyle Street, Mackay, Queensland
716FLEMING, Thomas JamesPO, Murwillumbah, New South Wales
661GILES, Joseph Webster
703GILMORE, Edward JohnCleveland Boarding House, Townsville, Queensland
714GRAHAM, EdwardRappville via Casino, New South Wales
688GRAHAM, James LondonExcelsior Road, Gympie, Queensland
737HALL, Thomas Alexanderc/o J B Synott, Goolmangar, New South Wales
704HAMILTON, Edward James
667HARLETT, Johnc/o Mrs Nicholson, Flinders Street, Townsville, Queensland
669HARMAN, Reginald Herbertc/o S J Jamieson, Lismore, New South Wales
668HARRISON, Percy WilliamBridge Street, North Lismore, New South Wales
HARVEY, Henry CavendishEllena Street, Maryborough, Queensland
1003HARVEY, Sydney CharlesBean Tree, Kyogle, New South Wales
731HAYDEN, Reginald CharlesPO, Casino, New South Wales
717HAYES, Frank ReginaldUlmarra, Clarence River, New South Wales
1006HEAPS, Thomasc/o Mrs Robertson, New Farm, Brisbane, Queensland
1041HENNEQUIN, RobertAuchenflower, Brisbane, Queensland
699HOLDING, Henry JamesCloyna via Murgon, Queensland
653HORN, Stanley MaurieExperimental Farm, Grafton, New South Wales
715HUGHES, Alfred RichardCathcart Street, Lismore, New South Wales
687HUMPHERY, HarryKiora, Bangalow, New South Wales
...JACKSON, IsaacHilton Road, Gympie, Queensland
694JAMIESON, George Edwardc/o Glanmere Hotel, Gympie, Queensland
721JOHNSTON, Alfred Ernestc/o William Johnston, George Street, Blackburn, Victoria
724JOHNSTON, Thomas
689JONES, Walter Knowlerc/o George Cook, Bellington, Austinville, New South Wales
719JORDAN, Stanley RupertKeen Street, Lismore, New South Wales
725KEMPSHELL, Arthur ReginaldPalmers Island, Clarence River, New South Wales
711KENDALL, Christopher HannanRappville, New South Wales
741KENYON, John EdwardKyogle, New South Wales
671KERR, Robert Williamc/o John Kerr, Beantree, Kyogle, Richmond River, New South Wales
728KING, James William
643KNOTT, GeorgeMiskin Street, Toowong, Queensland
722LAMING, Edward JamesKyogle, New South Wales
712LANGDON, John Hugh
747LIDDLE, Norman WilliamWood Street, Donald, Victoria
739LITTLE, Edgar FitzJamesPO, Casino, New South Wales
680LUCAS, Sydney Thomas51 Oxford Street, Paddington, Sydney, New South Wales
701MATHIESON, Richard JamesAustralian Hotel, Ross Island, Townsville, Queensland
740MAXWELL, Harold FrancisSkinner Street, Grafton, New South Wales
742McCABE, Phillip
662McEWAN, Alexander HunterFarleigh, Mackay, Queensland
672McGHIE, JohnAshford Hill, Gympie, Queensland
726McGOWN, William JohnPine Street, Gympie, Queensland
695McINNIS, Voney GeorgeBruton, Casino, New South Wales
656McKAY, Fergus WaratahOxley Street, North Ward, Townsville, Queensland
734McKAY, WilliamCommercial Hotel, Lismore, Queensland
645McNICOL, Oswald GeorgeBligh Street, GympieI, Queensland
730MILLAR, Bernard Harry CliffordAlligator Creek, Townsville, Queensland
683MILNE, James SpenceQueens Hotel, Mackay, Queensland
638MITCHELL, Ernest
723MITCHELL, Frankc/o G Porter, Strathedin Station via Casino, New South Wales
693MONEY, William HenryCrown Road, Gympie, Queensland
639MOSS, Herbert GeorgeDenison Street, Rozelle, Sydney, New South Wales
744MUNRO, Gordon
1031NAYLOR, Percival SpencerPumping Station Meeks Road, Marrickville, Sydney, New South Wales
713O'BRIEN, WilliamTower Hotel, Flinders Street, Townsville, Queensland
707PALMER, Edward Johnc/o F Millar, Ballina, New South Wales
743PATON, Harold FinnisterDalgety And Co, Brisbane, Queensland
702PRATT, Austin BedeLismore Road, Casino, New South Wales
675PROCTOR, Mark
670RANN, William Henryc/o A Rann, Nimbin via Lismore, New South Wales
751RICKARDS, Henry Arthur Callway
682RITCHIE, HaroldParry Street, Newcastle, New South Wales
659SAMPSON, Alfred
709SELMON, LeonardPhyllis Street, South Lismore, New South Wales
681SHARMAN, Sydney ArthurUpper Crystal Creek, Murwillumbah, New South Wales
665SHAW, William ErnestFoulden, Mackay, Queensland
748SIBBALD, Hugh ElmarStockton, Newcastle, New South Wales
658SIZER, HubertConstitution Road, Wilston, Brisbane, Queensland
648SKILLEN, William LongworthRocklea Ashley Street, Hornsby, New South Wales
673SMITH, Archibald Islay
708SOLWAY, Edward FrancisPrince Street, Grafton, New South Wales
677SWAN, Frank MidwoodOxford Hotel, Casino, New South Wales
698TAMSITT, JamesUlmarra, Clarence River, New South Wales
678TAYLOR, Alfred EdwardQueen Street, Grafton, New South Wales
691TEITZEL, EdwardChatsworth via Gympie, Queensland
674TEMPLE, Andrew DavidNerriga, New South Wales
THOMAS, GeorgeStanley Street, Gympie, Queensland
1005THOMPSON, Ernest LeslieSouth Brook, Queensland
647TOMLINSON, John William
676TURNBULL, ThomasTentosburg, Landsborough, Queensland
718UDEN, Frederick ThomasExchange Hotel, Ballina, New South Wales
641VEAL, Curtis ClarkMonkland Street, Gympie, Queensland
654WARBURTON, Thomasc/o Mrs Bellairs, Ross River, Townsville, Queensland
666WARD, JamesRailway Boarding House, Townsville, Queensland
745WATSON, Harry Percy
752WEBB, Alfred ClaringtonLambert Road, Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Queensland
1004WEBB, Norman ReginaldLambert Road, Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Queensland
727WEST, John Willoughby
749WILSON, Thomas
663WINDIBANK, Frederick WilliamWater Lane, Warwick, Queensland
735WOODHOUSE, William AugustusKing Street, Wynnum, Queensland
646WOODYATT, Montague LudlowChannon Street, Gympie, Queensland
750WREFORD, Ernest Rowe

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