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Mining Corps Reinforcements 1 - 3

AWM Roll number: 16/7/1

  1. From Melbourne, Victoria on board HMAT A14 Euripides on 4 April 1916

2647ABBOTT, HoraceDinmore, Queensland
2823ALLDER, Charles FrederickBowden, South Australia
2824BARKLA, Alfred FrederickBowden, South Australia
2662BARNET, Robert James McGregorWollongong, New South Wales
2703BARROW, Percy ArcherBallarat East, Victoria
2705BELL, John StuartRocky Lead, Victoria
2771BERWICK, Joseph JamesChatswood, New South Wales
2891BLIZZARD, David NortonForest and Circular Head, Tasmania
2892BOLCH, Albert RoyBradshaw Creek, Tasmania
2706CAMPBELL, WalterSouth Sebastopol, Victoria
2601CANHAM, James RalphSt Helens, East Coast, Tasmania
2704CLARKE, Alfred ErnestWaubra, Victoria
2650CLUNE, MichaelBundaberg, Queensland
2770COOPER, John James EdwardCalremont, Queensland
2707DANIEL, Frederick BergeBallarat North, Victoria
2651DAVIDSON, James Jamieson BlairMount Morgan, Queensland
2716DAVIES, David HughBroadmeadows, Victoria
2648DOHERTY, JamesForsyth, Queensland
2834DOWNIE, John SmithAdelaide, South Australia
2591DOYLE, Arthur WilliamMaryborough, Queensland
2769ESCREET, Joseph SmithBrisbane, Queensland
2768FERGUSON, Alex William Henry HaroldNewmarket, Queensland
2652FITZGERALD, JamesBrisbane, Queensland
2825FORD, John EdwardDulwich, South Australia
2893FRANCIS, Henry FrederickBulumwall, Victoria
2592FRASER, George BurnettPomona, North Coast Line, Queensland
2593FRASER, William NormanPomona, North Coast Line, Queensland
2767GURR, Leslie EdwardWoodstock, Dappil, Queensland
2826HALES, Harold CliveQueenstown, South Australia
2709HALL, George HenryMalvern, Victoria
2653HAMBLY, Arthur ThomasRiverview via Ipswich, Queensland
2701HARDINGE, Leonard RaynorChatswood, New South Wales
2702HATHERIN, David DenisMelbourne, Victoria
2827HOGG, Albert LeslieRailway Town, Broken Hill, New South Wales
2818HUGHES, Leslie JamesWilcannia, New South Wales
2766JENKINS, William Joseph
2594JONES, EdmundGympie, Queensland
2708KEANE, DanielYarraville, Victoria
2657KELLY, NathanielStation Hill, Bundamba, Queensland
2816KELLY, StephenMitcham, South Australia
2828KERMODE, Arthur NathanielPinnaroo, South Australia
2765LAING, Arthur FergusonMonkland, Gympie, Queensland
2595LALLY, Patrick WilliamCooram, Queensland
2596LAWSON, Arthur CharlesRockhampton, Queensland
2658LIVERMORE, Harold RoyPittsworth, Queensland
2829MAXCY, JamesParkside, South Australia
2820MAY, Charles LeonardUnley, South Australia
2830McGLINCHEY, Charles GarfieldNorth Broken Hill, New South Wales
2710McLACHLAN, William MoffatBallarat, Victoria
2660McMULLEN, Bernard ThomasPriory, Brewarrina, New South Wales
2764MERCER, WilliamMonkland, Gympie, Queensland
2763MILLER, Frederick CharlesRockhampton, Queensland
2604MUIR, Forrester HenrySouth Townsville, Queensland
2817NAPIER, WilliamBerri, River Murray, South Australia
2711O'HALLORAN, Thomas PatrickCastlemaine, Victoria
2819OLD, Walmersley CharringtonBroken Hill, New South Wales
2654PASINI, SalvaloreMany Peaks, Queensland
2605PEDDER, JohnNundah, Queensland
2712PRAED, Francis PercivalEaglehawk, Victoria
2661RUSSELL, FrederickBundaberg, Queensland
2831SHEVLIN, Terence JohnDulwich, South Australia
2761SMITH, Norman CharlesEumundi, North Coast Line, Queensland
2602STARK, MatthewWest Melbourne, Victoria
2832STEWART, William JohnPlympton, South Australia
2762TAYLOR, WilliamGladstone, Queensland
2833THODY, Leslie RoyBowden, South Australia
2772THOMAS, LeonardSprings, Hillgrove, New South Wales
2821THORNTON, James EdmundParkside, South Australia
2894TIPPER, Frank LadreoLaunceston, Tasmania
2895TOOMBS, William GeorgeSt Marys, East Coast, Tasmania
2713TWEEDDALE, Thomas RichardHawthorn, Victoria
2715VEITCH, John TennantBallarat, Victoria
2646VICKERY, DavidWooloomooloo, New South Wales
2896VODDEN, William
2599WALDBY, John HaroldTownsville, Queensland
2600WALDBY, William JamesTownsville, Queensland
2598WARREN, BertStamford, Queensland
2603WHERRY, CharlesMount Morgan, Queensland
2714WHYTE, David RossWallacedale, Victoria
WRATHALL, Leonard LangadaleNeutral Bay, New South Wales

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